As a landlord, you will come across various tenant issues. This article explores some of the most common tenant issues and how a property management company would be able to assist in resolving these problems.
Maintenance issues
Complaints about maintenance or needed repairs are common from tenants because there isn’t usually an easy fix that a tenant can carry out themselves. If the tenant is struggling to fix the issue alone and the landlord is not able to help out quickly then this can cause issues between the tenant and landlord. This is where property management companies come in handy because they can offer the tenant the quick solution they are after.
Unwanted pests
If the tenant reports bugs or rodents in the property then it is the responsibility of the landlord to assist with taking action. An exterminator should be contacted promptly. After about a week, the landlord needs to check that the issue has definitely been resolved. A property management company would be able to deal with this instead of the landlord if they were hired, they would also be able to prevent such events from occurring in the first place by inspecting and looking after the property periodically.
Missed rent payments
If a tenant is late on a rent payment then it is important to find out why the tenant hasn’t paid and try to find a solution. Always follow up communications in writing so that you can gain evidence if needs be. Whilst chasing up rent payments can be time-consuming and stressful, this burden can be taken directly away from the landlord by hiring a property management company.
Damp or mould
Damp can be a huge problem in the winter because windows are more likely to be kept shut which prevents condensation from escaping. You should make sure that bathrooms have a good ventilation unit and that kitchens have an extractor fan to take excess moisture out of the property. It is also helpful to inform the tenant of how to reduce excess condensation to prevent mould or dampness from occurring. A rental property management company would be able to take care of all of this for you.
Whilst it can be tempting to manage your own property to save on management fees, poor management and limited knowledge of legal procedures can lead to big problems – both financially and emotionally. Here at Omni, we want to relieve you of this burden with rental property management in Auckland.
Get in touch with us today.